Tag Archives: whigworld

whatever it takes

As I sit in the terminal at Charlotte airport on the last leg of our journey home from the Las Vegas Star Trek Convention, I am thinking back to something Spock said.

Leonard Nimoy was amazing as usual. His antecdotes were funny, and his memories were touching. However, someone asked him a very important question while he was on stage.

The fan stood at the microphone and asked: “Mr. Nimoy, I want to be a photographer. What advice do you have for me?”

Nimoy, an accomplished photographer himself, answered, “You do whatever it takes. Do what you love, do it often, and dont worry about getting paid for it. Just find a way to do it.”


That translates into anything, doesn’t it?

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star trek convention refreshes, renews


Like with most endeavors, writing requires a break. A time to relax, a time to refresh the spirit. Sometimes that means a trip to the mountains. Or maybe the beach. Or maybe horseback riding.

In my case, it means a trip to the Star Trek convention in Las Vegas!

As of now, we’re on day 4 of the 5 day trek (pardon the pun!), and it appears to be just what I needed. The sights, the sounds, the people. The whole package.

The coolest thing about this trip? For the first time, 4 of our group have had the opportunity to meet, in person, for the first time. After only interacting on the net for a year, I’m proud to report it was like we had always been friends.

Several of our other comrades had met weeks earlier at the Comic Con in San Diego, so we are slowly, but surely, developing some tight bonds.

It is a great convention, as well. Thousands of people sharing a common love and respect. Up close contact with some fan favorites. Cool and unique ways to spend lots of money.

And, only a week after Fanlib closed it’s doors, it is awesome to be reminded that fandoms are alive and well, and will never die.

So, the three things I have learned so far from this trip?

  1. I had great instincts when choosing my friends online
  2. It’s good to mingle with thousands of fans as a reminder where our passions lie
  3. Never, never hit on 14 when the dealer is showing a 5


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quality trumps deadlines…always

Our goal was to have this book (“Artifact”) on the virtual shelves in the middle-to-end of July.

We’re pushing that timeline now. But that’s okay. Plenty of last minute edits and re-writes were done, and we believe it has made our first novel an outstanding piece of work (although, I’m sure you’ll be the judge of that!).

Right now, the final editing and continuity checks are being completed, and I believe this thing should be ready to order on Amazon.com by the first week in August. However, keep checking back here for updates.

Four months ago, when we gave birth to this concept of nine people who had never met in person, only on the ‘net, cranking out  novel, I would have thought the creative process of actually writing the thing would have been the tough part.

Man, was I wrong!

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just a cool quote

“The brain is a wonderful organ. It starts working the moment you get up in the morning, and does not stop until you get into the office.”  –Robert Frost

Is this true, or what?!? We love doing the things that are fun, and we shut down for everything else…I love this quote!


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major inspiration or just showing off?

You know, during this huge collaborative process of writing a book between 9 authors who have never met, you look for inspiration in the strangest places.

Some look for it in music, others look for it in quotes from dead people. I happened to find a recent inspiration for writing at the strangest of places…a bookstore!

Okay, the truth. I wasn’t looking for inspiration. I was looking for an autographed copy of “Escape From Andersonville” directly from the author…the incomparable Mr. Gene Hackman. And, as you can see, a photo was also included in the package.

                                             Me and Gene

Seriously. That’s all. No great insights. No revelations on the processes of writing. Just a time to show off a recent fun moment.

And, oh yeah…check out the book. It’s pretty cool. 


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new excerpt available

Please enjoy some of the opening chapter of our novel, written by Esr960.

Excerpt: Chapter One

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Artifact writer a star!

Our very own Cvalin made an appearance on an episode of X-Files title “Release.” Here is that clip.


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Writing is the easiest hard-work

So, about a week ago, it became my turn in our big project to write a chapter.

Have you ever waited for something for so long, and waited, and waited ,and waited…and then, just as quick as it started, it was over?

That’s what happened to me.

We are about six weeks into this project, each of us (there are nine) taking a turn at writing a chapter. I was chapter #5…and it seemed like it was taking forever to get to me!  And then, all of a sudden, Liela_Data turned in her chapter, and it was my turn. Hit me like a ton o’ bricks, I tell ya’!

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thoughts of Indy…

                   Indiana Jones by TDC

                                                     photo by thedreamcontinued

It is the day that the new Indiana Jones movie premieres nationwide. And it’s bringing a rush of memories to the surface.

I first saw Raiders of the Lost Ark at the Drive-In theater. I had just got my driver’s license, and was on a date. There were two showings of Raiders, and in between was Popeye starring Robin Williams. I’m still trying to figure that combo out.

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fiction writer’s cheat sheet

This is an article from Dakota State University I found a year ago. It is simple, yet a fantastic reminder for the experienced writer, and a great cheat sheet for the beginner. Enjoy!

Fiction writers learn to write by writing. Although writing is an art, there are skills, tools, and techniques that can be learned in order to develop talent. And constructive criticism and feedback can help this process.

To be a good writer you need to read a lot, listen and observe everything about you carefully, and write a lot. Writing a lot takes discipline, because writing can actually be hard work- but very satisfying. Setting up a routine for writing is important; it is very easy to find something else to do besides writing. A compulsion to write is very useful.

Fiction writers should have a good grasp of the language, but most of all they must be storytellers. A really good story can compensate for less-than-brilliant writing, but brilliant writing will not save a bad story.

Readers of fiction want very much to find the writer’s work to be believable. It is the task of the writer to produce a story that does not jolt the reader into recognizing that the narrative is just the writer talking, just fiction. The writer should write about what he or she already knows through experience or can learn about through research. The narrative should read as if the writer really knows what he or she is writing about.

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